In the File menu you read and write data to files and printers. This chapter will explain the function of the menu items.
creates a new project. Before creating a new project the old project will be closed. There can only be one project open at the time.
will open an existing project file. Currently open projects will be closed before the new project is opened. There can only be one project open at the time.
will close the currently open project.
will save the currently open project. Unnamed projects will be prompted for a name before they are saved. The view settings are not saved.
Save As
gives you the option to save a project under a new name.
Revert to Saved
reverts to the point where you saved the last time. It is a good idea to save your work regularly so that you can revert to that point if you make a mistake or if the computer crashes.
Page Setup
let you setup the page format for a view. Each view has its own data. Remember to select this command if you change printer. If you for example have select horizontal paper format and change printer, the default vertical format will be active.
prints the view. The front view is printed if more than one view exists. The view is scaled to fit on one page. You should try to size the view to the same proportions that the paper has (horizontal, vertical etc.).
Export View
will save the view to a file in PICT format. This format can be read by almost any Mac program. If you want to use the image in a draw program, select the draw choice. This will save the polygon information in the file. For the Display Option - Exact Flat, the draw choice will create images that cannot be enlarged. The paint choice will save the pixel information in 72 dpi. This choice should be selected for paint programs.
Compress Memory
The memory can become fragmented during a long session with the program. This might occur when creating and deleting many objects. This can result in inefficent memory usage. The memory is compacted by choosing Compress Memory. You only need to use this option when you are short of memory.